The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes and national origins with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies.
State of California definition of Environmental Justice
An equitable transition away from gas powered leaf blowers to battery operated leaf blowers is the cornerstone of SD-SEQUEL’s movement to ban gas powered leaf blowers and promote sustainable, equitable, & quiet equipment in landscaping.
We recognize that the transition to using safer, zero emissions equipment will require a financial outlay for people for whom it might be difficult. For this reason we are asking the following of our Politicians and Officials:
A grace period between the onset of the Ordinance and the Enforcement of the Ordinance.
That the Air Pollution Control District of San Diego, the California Air Resources Board and the City and County of San Diego fund and administer a buy-back program of gas powered lawn equipment when there is proof of purchase of safer, zero emissions equipment and when gas powered equipment is surrendered, A buy-back program not only mitigates financial hardship but gets polluting equipment off the street.
Good health is priceless and all lawn care workers are entitled to the safest working environment possible. Continuous exposure to oxides, carbon monoxide and benzene all increase the risk of cancer. High levels of noise of over 65 dba can cause permanent hearing loss. Constant vibration of gas powered landscaping equipment can cause numbness in arms and hands. SD-SEQUEL supports the preservation of the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the ecosystem and maximum protection of public health and the environment. In a mostly unregulated industry, it is time to enact equitable health and safety standards.